My Studio

Jennifer McGuire, Kristina Werner and Kathy Racoosin shared their amazing studios in video this week.  Kathy requested photos from our studios. (I hope if I post a few photos others will too.)
I had several goals for my studio this past year.  I’ve accomplished a lot but still have a long way to go.
1)  The lighting in my room was really bad.  When a water leak occurred on the ceiling it was a prime opportunity to accomplish my goal!  Eight pot lights were installed in my ceiling.  They are on two separate switches which both have dimmers.  They have changed my life!
I also added a Stella light to my desk.  It is truly magnificent.
2)  I wanted to personalize my studio by putting objects all around which represent me and make me happy.  Photos of my grandchildren, family and dog (and husband) are my prize possessions.   Coffee signs, flags from the countries I’ve visited, a tea pot that was my mom’s, art I’ve created and other objects the represent good times or special people in my life.  I enjoy my room so much more now.
3)  Remove rubber from wood and organize my stamps Jennifer style.  I have a long way to go but the process is well underway.  I found the drawers where I had stored the wood-mounted stamps easily converted to the new system.  What a HUGE difference it makes in finding and putting away my stamps.

My pride and joy is the storage I created for my Copic Markers.  I’ve had this now for several years and just love it.  It’s my own original DIY made from Dollar Tree plastic containers and clear packaging tape.  I can find the marker I need and put it away easily now that I’m very familiar with my system.

Next year my goal is to continue purging.   If I’m not using it, it goes to a church in Mexico.

I’m not scrapbooking as much on in the same way that I used to.  I need to get those photos and pages into some kind of order.

It is a never-ending process.